GPM Event at the German Embassy
On January 24th, members of the Federal Government (Minister Waldez Góes), State Government (Carlos Brandão) and large international companies got together at the German Embassy, to better understand the vision of the GPM – Grão-Pará Maranhão enterprise, the Alcântara Port Terminal (TPA) and the Maranhão Railroad (EF-317), and brainstorm how this project could become an international business Hub.
The project includes a 25m natural depth port with the possibility of 8 piers, a 520km railroad connecting the Alcântara Port Terminal to Açailândia, a renewable energy hub with the construction of a smart-city. It is expected the creation of 100,000 jobs already in the operation phase.
GPM – Grão-Pará Maranhão would like to thank everyone at the event, especially the German Ambassador, Heiko Thomas, Chargé d’Affaires, Johannes Thomas and the staff of the German Embassy in Brasilia, for the excellent organization and hospitality.
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