Grão-Pará Maranhão presenting in FIEMA
Important event 05/05/2022, in FIEMA – Federation of Industries of the State of Maranhão with the presence of the President of the Bank of the Northeast, Dr. José Gomes Da Costa, and the Leaderships of Maranhão, where our Director, Nuno Gustavo Martins can give an account of the progress of the enterprise Alcântara Port Terminal (TPA) + Maranhão Railroad (EF-317) and the efficiency that will add to the logistics of agro MATOPIBA with potential annual savings of $ 1,000 million.
Our Executive Director Nuno Gustavo Martins and our partner Frederico Bussinger, former Director of the Port of Santos and President of the Port of...
The authorization given by the Federal Government to six business groups for the construction and operation of new railroads in the Federal District...
Grão-Pará Maranhão presents project in Ship2Brazil. You are very welcome to watch the replay of the third edition (online) of #ship2brazil,...